for sexual trauma
Hurt people hurt people. When survivors and perpetrators of sexual trauma don't have access to healing, the cycle of harm continues.

The economic impact of rape and sexual assault is estimated to be over $122,000 per victim throughout their lifetime.
(National Sexual Violence Resource Center)
The Healing Sexual Trauma Fund, "Healing Fund" for short, is an anonymous yet tangible means for those who have caused or enabled sexual harm to make amends and support survivors. This Fund uses a restorative justice approach so everyone benefits and gains access to healing, both those who have received sexual harm and those who have caused it.
How it works
This Fund offers people who have caused or enabled sexual harm to contribute financially to support survivors’ healing. All the money received through the fund goes directly to Moonlit Path services for survivors, including Individual Advocacy, Healing Circles and the Healing Retreat. In return for any amount donated, these donors receive access to a curriculum to help guide their own personal healing and growth. This self-guided course is comprised of reflection, journaling, and education through readings and videos on subjects including restorative justice, finding support, rape culture, taking accountability and healthy relationships.

Who this is for

Why this fund is important and necessary
Sexual violence has numerous negative and often unseen impacts, including economic instability. The financial costs of recovery are numerous, from medical bills, therapy and other PTSD treatments, to job and housing insecurity that arise from lack of healing resources. This fund helps relieve survivors of one more barrier to their healing, of one more way they have to pay for the harm that has been done to them.
This fund and curriculum is for people who have caused or enabled sexual harm and are committed to healing themselves and the harm. Those who have a tendency to dominate in their relationships, like many cis men, may also benefit from this guidance.

If you are on the path to heal harm caused, and are ready to take another step, click HERE to make your contribution and access the curriculum.
Curriculum in progress!

For anyone who simply wishes to contribute to this worthy cause, click HERE.
To find out more about Restorative and Transformative Justice, view our Resources.